About us
Continuity is a concept with many meanings in cinema. The continuity of frames distinguishes cinema from photography, while movement, understood as the flow of experiences and emotions, is the defining characteristic of a filmic work. Continuity that, as the Kuleshov effect, can also be a continuity of oppositions, in a dynamic where two images, placed one after the other, offer an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is under the sign of continuity that we want to begin this journey of ours. To follow in the footsteps of those who came before us and who envisioned and made Short Days an unmissable event for those working with cinema and that peculiar form known as the short film. An open space for experimentation and discussion, this is what we hope Short Days will remain. With the hope that, as it develops, it can transcend the cinematic space, contaminating and, like the undertow, dragging and bringing all the experiences encountered within the Hall back inside.
Metaphorically bringing “Cinema out of Cinema and the outside of Cinema into Cinema.” It might sound strange coming from people who have been managing a cinema for years, but it is precisely the experience of running the Nuovo Cinema Aquila that has allowed us to create a cinema as an incubator of knowledge, a platform through which Short Days can continue to foresee and offer a home to bold authors: the talents of tomorrow who today can push the collective gaze forward, leveraging the universal power of the short film.
Gaia Siria Meloni
Giulio Mezza